Young adultsLiving Stone Young Adult Fellowship is a group
of post-college individuals on a lifelong journey with Christ. These individuals are in various stages of life, ranging from their first years after college to first years of their career. This group meets every Friday evening at 7:40pm at the Education Building. YAF Facebook Page Contact: Lowell Chang |
College: Living Stone INternational FEllowshipThis fellowship is a place for college students to learn about God's character through book studies and the Bible itself and have authentic relationships with other students. We have a weekly meeting at the University of Utah campus from 3:30pm-5:30pm on Tuesdays. Check out our Facebook page for updates on meeting location.
Living Stone Facebook Page Contact: Living Stone International Fellowship |
Living Stone Fellowship | 1910 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84124 | (801) 278-4723